And in with the new…
We scratch-build new quarters with a lot less bulk and sharper lines.
We scratch-build new quarters with a lot less bulk and sharper lines.
It soon became obvious that the quarter panels were not going to serve our needs, so off they went. At least on the driver’s side so far…
We found out that the front clip, minus the hood, was fiberglass. That explains the “worn out bar of soap” look that I am not so fond of. With a little effort, Jerry found us some steel parts to work with… Much better!
You can see from this side shot how “fat” the car looked. It didn’t have any defined lines and everything was so muted. We acquired a new roof section from the late, Dick Dean to try and salvage the roof it had.
After chasing a few cracks around, we found a little more filler than we expected.
This is how it looked when Jerry bought it, shiny and clean, but not quite what he wanted.